You are in: "ARDS Step by Step", "CTC (Centralized Traffic Control)", "Attach Variables to Controls' Conditions" page

ARDS Step by Step. Attach Variables to Controls' Conditions

So far we did:

  • Created Layout
  • Created Subdivision in Layout
  • Created RTU in Layout
  • Add Controls to Layout
  • Created Variables which will be used by Controls Conditions

  • In next videos we will show how to "attach" Variables to Controls Conditions

    Next video is show how we "attached" Variables to "CD_5_SIG_010" Signal Conditions

    Next video is show how we "attached" Variables to "CD_5_TR_010" Track Conditions

    Next video is show how we "attached" Variables to "CD_5_TR_020" Track Conditions

    Next video is show how we "attached" Variables to "CD_5_TR_030" Track Conditions

    Next video is show how we "attached" Variables to "CD_5_SW_010" Switch Conditions

    Next video is show how we "attached" Variables to "CD_5_SL_SW_010" Switch Lock Conditions

    Next video is show how we "attached" Variables to "CD_5_EP_010" Exit Pad Conditions

    Next video is show how we "attached" Variables to "CD_5_EP_020" Exit Pad Conditions

    Next video is show how we "attached" Variables to "CD_5_PL_TR_010", "CD_5_PL_TR_020", and "CD_5_PL_TR_030" Power Lines Conditions

    Next video is show how we "attached" Variables to "CD_5_PL_1_SW_010", "CD_5_PL_2_SW_010", and "CD_5_PL_3_SW_010" Power Lines Conditions

    Please use menus on top of this page to find more information about ARDS.