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Person Categories and Person Information

Application has two built in Person Categories:

  • Super User. This category has one Person (User) only - Super User
  • Power User. This category has one Person (User) only - Power User

  • Any other Persons (Users) can be managed in next way:
  • Authorized Person must create Person Category
  • Authorized Person must add Person to created Person Category

  • Application has three Person (User) types:

  • Super User. This Person have access to whole Application parts. Generally, Super User is a software programmer or sotware owner engineer, and Person who is responsible for working Customers. Super User's account is created automatically, and can not be edited or deleted.
    Super User can create and manage settings for other Person Categories and Persons within these Categories.
    Super User can grant all or part of his/her rights to Power User or to any other Person.

  • Power User. This is Customer's main person. Power User can create and manage settings for other Person Categories and Persons within these Categories, except him/herself and Super User. Power User's account is created automatically, and can not be edited or deleted.
    Power User can grant all or part of his/her rights to Person created by Power User.

  • Regular Person, for example RTC (Rail Traffic Controller, or Dispatcher), Mainteiner, RailRoad Engineer or Conductor, etc.

  • Each ARDS Person (including Super User and Power User) has unique User Name and Password.

    When somebody is trying to login into ARDS, we are doing:

  • Person authentication, i.e. checking provided User Name and Password against database.
  • Person authorization, i.e. checking what screens, screens' controls Person can work with, what Layout Person should be redirected, can Person close Application, can Person move and resize Application, etc.

  • Please use menus on top of this page to find more information about ARDS.