You are in: "ARDS Step By Step", "DTC (Dark Territory Control)", "Execute Dark Territory" page

DTC (Dark Territory Control). Execute Dark Territory

In next videos we will show how Dark Territory part of ARDS is working

Next video is shown how to add Trains to Dark Territory

Next video is shown how to create Proceed

Next video is shown Track Release

In next video we are trying to create Proceed over blocked object

In next video we are showng how to create Proceed over TOP

Next video is shown how to complete Proceed

Next video is shown how to restore Switch

Next video is shown how to fulfill TOP

Next video is shown how to create Work (part 1)

Next video is shown how to create Work (part 2)

Next video is shown how to complete Work (part 1)

Next video is shown how to complete Work (part 2)

Next video is shown how to create WAM (Warning Access Message)

Next video is shown how SMCR (Single Man Crew Reminder) is working

Next video is shown how to create Foreman to Train Relay

Next video is shown how to Train to Foreman Relay

Next video is shown how to create Emergency Stop

Next video is shown how to Transfer RTC

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